Monday, October 11, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #8

Meeting started @ 11.00 am

The team evaluated the whole execution process with the following questions :
What went wrong?
- The video can't be played by the DVD player because of incompatibility of the video formats (we try 4 formats, .flv, .3gp, .mpeg, .mp4)
- The back up plan failed (madeline's laptop error)
- Insufficient goody bags (the participants more than expected (50) )
- The exercise's trainers are too fast
- Confusion of languages usage (between hokkien and mandarin) need to check the participants demographic (language)
- Language barrier (for some team members (Indra))

What is good?
- Participants more than we expected
- The food is good
- The distribution of food was quite efficient
- The skit is funny
- Good contingency plan ( execute another programs first while fixing the error)
- Good on-the-spot critical thinking ( Joshua went home to took his laptop)
- Participants enjoy the program
- Everyone happy


Miscellaneous :
Need to check whether they can sell their handicrafts(flower) or not.

Meeting concluded @ 11.15 am

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