Sunday, October 31, 2010

Minutes 11

Minutes for meeting 11

Find two articles from the leadership I have known + video

Intro: (Kim)
Ideas generation
Initial challenges faced at the group level, organizational level
Our chosen beneficiary

Analysis of csp (wenyang + Madeline)
Pre-event execution
Post execution
Conclusion of CSP - Madeline

If there’s time, show csp video

Conclusion (indra)
Lessons learnt + conclusion

Skit à pre execution + execution
Group level: punctuality, miscommunication
Organizational level: lion befrienders, accreditation

Punctuality: a person comes late, calls him, just woke up, and didn’t bring whatever was necessary
Miscommunication: I told you to bring this but you brought that instead (elderly clothing)

Lion befriender: they wanted our exercises to be accredited, also had a similar exercise regime. Didn’t accept until there was actual accreditation.

(If time persists) sponsors. Almost got them but until they heard when the execution was they withdrew


Lion befrienders – Michelle
Joshua comes in with a proposal. But is refused due to lack of accreditation. LB says no, then she tears up the paper and throws it in his face!

Physiotherapist -Aileen
Approaches her, she initially refuses until Joshua presents her with the SMU mug. She finally relents, and gives her stamp of approval.

Joshua approaches the sponsor. “Politely asks for sponsorship”
Goes around asking for some sponsor. Everyone says no. Then finally the last sponsor which is the caterer finally caves in with a subsidized rate.
A meeting is going on, someone comes in late. Joshua comes in and scolds wen yang.

Technical difficulties
Screen shows blank. Someone acts super worried, omg whats happening?

Wenyang’s getting lab coat
Black specs (for Aileen)
Lion head (michelle)
A4 papers (Madeline)

Next Meeting:
Sunday: 3 to 6pm
Monday: 9.30am

Friday, October 15, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #9

      Final Written Report: Deadline Week 12
Team Goals Mission, Vision, Goals
Roles & Responsibilities
Planning Process
Ideas Generation - Exercise, Library, Moral values. And how we chose which to go with; Criteria for selection - sustainability and impactfulness
Pre Execution
Sourcing of Sponsors & Beneficiary Finalizing our proposal
- Project Rationale
- Objectives

Feedback from class presentation in Week 4
How we received and applied the feedback
Problems we faced and solutions we came up with
Documentation of entire process; blogs: conflicts
-sourcing for physiotherapist
-working on video/posters
-recess trips
-other activities like singing

Day of execution
-Problems and solutions.
Post Execution
- Presented the video+ posters to staff
- Made another trip down to assess the effectiveness of the project
- Assess the effectiveness of project by going back to the home
- Quality of meetings- Minutes?
- Personal experience from entire outcome; each member to do a paragraph
- Reflections from ‘Leader I have known’ presentations; learning points, concepts& learning values that we draw from Tony Fernandes
Allocation of work:
Pre execution Joshua
Execution Wenyang, Madelline & Aileen
Post execution Michelle and the rest
Each member is also to do a paragraph reflecting on their personal take away from this entire project
To be compiled by 22th Oct, Friday (Week 10)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #8

Meeting started @ 11.00 am

The team evaluated the whole execution process with the following questions :
What went wrong?
- The video can't be played by the DVD player because of incompatibility of the video formats (we try 4 formats, .flv, .3gp, .mpeg, .mp4)
- The back up plan failed (madeline's laptop error)
- Insufficient goody bags (the participants more than expected (50) )
- The exercise's trainers are too fast
- Confusion of languages usage (between hokkien and mandarin) need to check the participants demographic (language)
- Language barrier (for some team members (Indra))

What is good?
- Participants more than we expected
- The food is good
- The distribution of food was quite efficient
- The skit is funny
- Good contingency plan ( execute another programs first while fixing the error)
- Good on-the-spot critical thinking ( Joshua went home to took his laptop)
- Participants enjoy the program
- Everyone happy


Miscellaneous :
Need to check whether they can sell their handicrafts(flower) or not.

Meeting concluded @ 11.15 am

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #7

Members present:

1. Wen Yang
2. Kim Fay
3. Michelle Aw
4. Aileen Lin
5. Madeline
6. Indra Adam
7. Owen

Start time: 3.40pm
Agenda of Meeting 7 
Take videos & photos for the exercises
Finalize the proposal
Discuss on the Leader I’ve known presentation
Discussion of Meeting 7: 
Took photos and videos for exercises
Leader I’ve know presentation:
o Tony Fernandez
§ Background - Timeline
§ Traits- Big 5
§ Three reasons why he’s a great leader: USE EXAMPLES TO SHOW WHY HE IS SUCESSFUL
§ Conclusion
Tasks to be completed:
- Leader I’ve known presentation:
Michelle: Background + Timeline
Joshua: Three reasons why he’s a good leader (Big 5)
Kim: Conclusion
End time: 5.10pm
Prepared by: Michelle

Friday, September 10, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #6

Members present:
1. Indra Adam
2. Kim Fay
3. Michelle Aw
4. Madeline Ong
5. Aileen Lin
6. Wen Yang

Start time: 5.10pm

Agenda of Meeting 6
Discuss about which leader we should choose.

Discussion of Meeting 6
-Aileen chose Elim Chew, founder of 77th street because she is passionate and has a purpose. She has 10 values in life that are built to last. She’s also a speaker and won lots of awards.
-Michelle chose Ingvar Kamprad – founder of IKEA.
-Kim Fay chose Corazon Aquino – 11th president of the Philippines and the first woman to hold that office. However, she passed away last year, so we can’t use.
-Joshua chose Tony Fernandez, founder of Air Asia. Refer to email for reasons why.
-Wen yang chose Bill Gates.
-Adam chose Robert Kiyosaki – writer, retired at 36 to teach people how to be rich. He’s a faithful person towards his wife even though she could not get pregnant.
Madeline chose Ho Ching. One of the most successful female leaders in Singapore.
We debated for quite a while on who we thought were truly inspirational.
During the meeting, we all decided that the top 3 suitable leaders would be:
1. Tony Fernandez
2. Ho Ching
3. Robert Kiyosaki
After that, we discussed about our ltb project. We need to ask Joshua about the accreditation of an expert.

End time: 6.15pm
Prepared by: Kim Fay

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Punctuality and attendance at meetings

Hey all,

At our last meeting, one of the members was not punctual. This is not the first time this has occurred.

So for our next meeting, please ensure that you adhere to the time of the meeting.

Also, please check your schedules to make sure that our meetings do not clash with any of your other meetings.

One of the members had another meeting at the same time and failed to inform us that he/she would not be attending ours. In the end, we had to call half and hour into the meeting to ask where he/she is and it screwed up our meeting as that day, it was our presentation rehearsal.

SO! The moral of the story is, PLEASE be punctual and PLEASE attend the meetings!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #5

Meeting started: 1435

The group confirmed the following to be done by the next LTB meeting,
Beneficiary-> Confirm beneficiary, any changes they might have suggested and whether we can cope with it.
Additional information on the demographics should be found out.
- How many chinese speaking, english speaking etc,
- How many vegetarians/muslims/any other special requirements
- Any pre-existing conditions/allergies the elderly have
- Any other things to watch out for
Task undertaken by Madeline
Game-> Since the exercises are just a part of the program, the rest of the program will have to firmed up. For the game, each member is to brainstorm for games that the elderly can partake in with the criteria being the games should both be fun yet not too straining on them.
Task undertaken by everyone
Performance-> In addition to the games and Exercises, there will be a performance? Brainstorm for what we could do for the performance segment. Song? Dance? Skit?
Task undertaken by Aileen&Michelle
Food-> To source for suitable caterers to provide finger food for the event, food provided shouldn't be too unhealthy and oily ( taking in consideration they are the elderly). Other requirements like Hallah, will be taken into consideration.
Task undertaken by Wenyang
Exercises-> The exercises will have to be professionally accredited to ensure they are suitable for the elderly More exercises will also have to be incorporated . (10?)
Task undertaken by Aileen&Michelle
Media-> The blog needs to be updated on a regular basis. Also, 2 videos will have to produced.
1) The exercises video, ensure that its not too short
2) The final presentation video, chronicles our LTB journey.
Video concepts of both to be determined
Task undertaken by Kim fay&Adam
Overview/Event flow-> There needs to be a consolidation of all the activities into an overall program for the time allocated to us
Next meeting for the CSP Project will be on 13 Sep Monday; after LTB
Next meeting for "Leader i have known" will be on 09 Sep, 1715
Meeting Concluded at 1515