Monday, September 6, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #5

Meeting started: 1435

The group confirmed the following to be done by the next LTB meeting,
Beneficiary-> Confirm beneficiary, any changes they might have suggested and whether we can cope with it.
Additional information on the demographics should be found out.
- How many chinese speaking, english speaking etc,
- How many vegetarians/muslims/any other special requirements
- Any pre-existing conditions/allergies the elderly have
- Any other things to watch out for
Task undertaken by Madeline
Game-> Since the exercises are just a part of the program, the rest of the program will have to firmed up. For the game, each member is to brainstorm for games that the elderly can partake in with the criteria being the games should both be fun yet not too straining on them.
Task undertaken by everyone
Performance-> In addition to the games and Exercises, there will be a performance? Brainstorm for what we could do for the performance segment. Song? Dance? Skit?
Task undertaken by Aileen&Michelle
Food-> To source for suitable caterers to provide finger food for the event, food provided shouldn't be too unhealthy and oily ( taking in consideration they are the elderly). Other requirements like Hallah, will be taken into consideration.
Task undertaken by Wenyang
Exercises-> The exercises will have to be professionally accredited to ensure they are suitable for the elderly More exercises will also have to be incorporated . (10?)
Task undertaken by Aileen&Michelle
Media-> The blog needs to be updated on a regular basis. Also, 2 videos will have to produced.
1) The exercises video, ensure that its not too short
2) The final presentation video, chronicles our LTB journey.
Video concepts of both to be determined
Task undertaken by Kim fay&Adam
Overview/Event flow-> There needs to be a consolidation of all the activities into an overall program for the time allocated to us
Next meeting for the CSP Project will be on 13 Sep Monday; after LTB
Next meeting for "Leader i have known" will be on 09 Sep, 1715
Meeting Concluded at 1515

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