Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #4

Meeting Started At: 1920hrs
- If Lion's home disapprove of our idea of teaching psycho therapeutic exercise, the following alternatives will be done.
- Source for more beneficiaries, show the improved and more detailed proposal to the beneficiary (proposal with more activities, like food, bingo, games and moon-cake festival celebration)

 Emphasis on spending time with the elderly?
- Look for sponsors for the moon cakes or food, if possible.
Proposed date: 07 Oct 09
Proposed time: Afternoon, exact timing will be tailored to suit the availability of the beneficiary as well as the type of sponsors supporting us. (Catered Food or moon cakes?)
Target group of ~ 30 pax
Also, Madeline is to confirm location, date and time of the activity.
Proposed Programs
- Aileen and Michelle is to come up with a list of exercises; explanations and picture aid/diagrams included, which is catered to the elderly.
-Source for Professional Accreditation accreditation, the store beside Studio Wu
-Sell the finalized list of exercises to the beneficiaries; convincing them that these exercises serve a different purpose, as compared to the exercises regularly performed by them. (Keeping the joints nimble healthy? Vs keeping them active) -> Not sue about the benefits of our exercises
Secondary Proposal
-Secondary proposal: Share-a-value.
-Approach primary schools. - Madeline to approach cousins for potential opportunities.
-They will be taught our 'Circle values', with the necessary modifications.
-There will be a need to show sustainability through the recording of surveys, test results on the topic before and after the workshop.
-The marked changes, derived from comparing the results show sustainability , that there is a take away and that something tangible has been done, rather then just having them come for a workshop.
Kim Fay doing the secondary proposal. 
- Aileen and michelle to compound exercises by thursday 2359
- Rest of the members to submit, their respective write ups and slides to joshua by thursday 2359
-Joshua will compile the slides and proposal by Friday afternoon.
Powerpoint slides delegation breakdown is as follows:
Introduction, Agenda, Intro to team Proj & Grp Name: Wenyang
Roles and responsibility: Adam
Background info: Madeline
Beneficiary- Sponsor: Madeline
Beneficiary- Objectives & Rationale: Joshua
Proposed Program (Exercises + other programs eg. mooncake festival): Aileen/ Michelle
Secondary Proposal: Kim fay
-Kim Fay will try asking her uncle to secure sponsorship.
- The rehearsal for the presentation will be on 05th Sep, Sunday, 1900-2100 hours, SMU
Meeting Concluded At 2040hrs.

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