Monday, August 30, 2010

Minutes for Meeting #3

Members present:

1. Indra Adam
2. Joshua
3. Kim Fay
4. Michelle Aw
5. Aileen Lin
6. Wen Yang
7. Madeline
8. Owen

Time started: 2.45pm
Agenda of Meeting 3
- To revise the proposal
- Discussion of roles and responsibilities
- To prepare and delegate roles regarding proposal presentation
Discussion of Meeting 3
- Decided that the project name would be called ‘Project Silver’ because of the silver industry and the team name is ‘Team Silver Lining’ (Wen Yang will elaborate)
- Contingency plan required
- After beneficiary has been confirmed, need to recree the place so that a back-up plan can be executed in case of rain, etc. Also, need to find out whether the beneficiary has projectors and screens.
- Joshua – thought that we should come up with a facebook page. Reasons being for any future organisations who want to do a CSP project like ours and need advice and also to keep track of what we do. E.g. create photo album to show the process of our project
- Create a blog – content will be somewhat similar to the facebook page, also as an area whereby the group can have discussions or any problems faced
Discussion of roles and responsibilities:
Madeline Ong
§ Liaison Officer
§ Secondary role – negotiating with beneficiaries
Aileen Lin
§ Admin officer (tentative)
§ In charge of coming up with list of exercises
§ Liaise with physiologist about what/which exercises can be done
§ Come up with a structured list of exercises
Michelle Aw
§ Work together with Aileen
§ In charge of coming up with a safety plan and how to minimize injuries
Kim Fay and Indra
§ Media officers
§ In charge of video recording and taking of photographs
§ Required to document the process of our project from start to end
§ Compile videos
§ Create facebook page (Phase 3) and blog
Joshua and Wen Yang
§ In charge of coming up with the event list
§ List of activities for the day
Wen Yang
§ Logistics and finance officer
§ Plans the budget
§ Anything that needs to be bought or anything money related goes through Wen Yang
For the presentation:
Some of the content should include:
- Target group and beneficiary
- Sustainability and impact
- Team goals
- An idea of what we are going to do
Individual roles for the presentation:
Introduction – Wen Yang
Objectives and rational – Joshua
Proposed programme – Aileen and Michelle
Beneficiaries + liaison officer – Madeline
Roles and responsibilities – Kim Fay and Indra
Tasks for Meeting 3
- Need to find out how long the exercises take
- Next meeting, discuss how we are going to conduct the presentation
- Brainstorm on what questions other groups might ask and prepare the answers to them (Email Wen Yang)
Next meeting
Wednesday 1st September 7.00pm
Time ended: 3.30pm
Prepared by: Kim Fay

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